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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2010 7:00am-7:30am PST

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could shut off if necessary. it was not necessary. i do have 45 employees who live in the area of december know, and we personally check on each of them, one from's house was directly across from an area that burned. his house did not burn. we also provide a squad of officers to assist san bruno police last control and at their doc, but fortunately, there jail was almost a mile north of the incident, and the wind was blowing in our direction, so we avoided most everything like that. gavin newsom that is good, and i know all our departments are going through their personnel file. john, you mentioned you had a number of employees. anything you want to add? >> we did not check with all departments, but we are also having the department of human resources run a list of the addresses. so far, we have a list of about 24 addresses that may or may not
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be, so we will be reaching out to every one of those individuals as well as those the province. you may not think you have an employee who lives in san bruno, but he made. we have departments assigned here, so you will be getting a call from us. mayor newsom: animal welfare and patrol? you guys were sent out, and you have been helpful. thank you. if you could just let us know a little bit about what you have done. >> our apartment was on standby as early as 8:00 last night. we reached out to our counterparts in san mateo county, the peninsula humane society, and offered our assistance. this morning around 10:00, we got a request for help, and we sent two units with animal control officers to canvass the area in san bruno 4 lose rolling heads and/or assist in any way that we could. our officers are still in the field dealing with that right now.
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mayor newsom: anything from a medical examiner perspective? you avail yourself to your colleagues down there. >> [inaudible] resources that we could put on standby in case there were more fatalities than the san mateo coroner's office could handle. we put one investigator and one van on standby. we have been in contact with the san mateo county coroner's office. this time, they have not need the assistance from us, but we remain on standby as they continue to search the neighborhood's four additional fatalities. mayor newsom: ok, the key -- vicki? do you want to follow-up with anything that was on our list to communicate that we have not? >> i think you hit everything. you did a good job. mayor newsom: i want to now open
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up to others that have questions or thoughts or anything they want to share. i want to be sensitive to mark and 10 -- ken. i appreciate you both being here and avail yourself. to the extent you have questions for them that are for. under the circumstances, i think they would indulge us with some response, but again, sensitive to your time. anyone? other departments? ok. steve, anything more you want to add or underscore? >> no, sir, just that ed lee and chief white may contact you. once again, without hesitation, provide them any resources and help and information they need immediately.
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mayor newsom: all of you again, thank you. i think a lot of the work you have done in private is made public in the context of the mutual aid and the exercises, both tabletop and field exercises. it said ways to tomorrow, the ninth anniversary of 9/11, and the commemoration and renewed effort that we all engage in as a region with our respective partners, public and private carters, faith based leaders, and the like to be prepared to be vigilant and more important than anything to communicate, and one of the most telling parts of the mutual aid was that it was done with an efficient protocol where the worst thing that could happen in a region as dense as the bay area is you have eight different counties come in, and they are out there
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of on the fire line, in the fields doing their work without that coordination, and what i thought work quite well, and again, we will do post-analysis. there is always tweaks, always areas of improvement -- i'm not naive to that -- but based on everything we know and the protocols that have been communicated today that were established is there was coordination. there was a central depository in terms of that connective tissue was all the regional agencies. there was a for free at staging at the shopping center and then deployment of resources as needed in an appropriate manner, and i think now, as we step back from the acute challenge to now their recovery challenge and mutual support and aid, that will serve us well, and i want to underscore that we will make ourselves available, every department, every member of our city team bureaucracy. our hearts go out to families and the gym is overwhelmed, but
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i told him to let the mayor know and the city manager's no that we are here to be supportive, and we will do everything in our power to encourage that. i want to encourage everyone we know to give back, to do so through the red cross or other agencies, and obviously, we have this great protocol that generated a lot of resources for shady -- haiti and for what occurred in the gulf, katrina. we make that available for all city employees and ask that to the extent that they are willing, that they make themselves available to help those that are in need. under the circumstances, again, i just want to tip my hat to all of your around this room, and thank you to pg&e. the big take away here is now we need to know our assets. we need to know about our infrastructure, and we need to work collaborative live together so that this never occurs anywhere else ever again.
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-- we need to work collaboratively so that this never happens again. i appreciate both of you willing to be here under this circumstance. >> [inaudible] mayor newsom:: thank you. 9/11 commemoration tomorrow. she's, you are doing a number of things. perhaps you could just let folks know. >> certainly. tomorrow is the day that none of us will forget and none of us should forget. at every fire station in the city, we have 43, including our station on treasure island. all of our members and the public are certainly welcome to for dissipate and observe a moment of silence and a special ceremony for those that lost their lives, whether it be at the pentagon in and sylvania or at the world trade center, and we will be reading of, as we have every year since 9/11, the
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names of the firefighters that paid the ultimate price and gave the ultimate sacrifice at the world trade center. all of our stations will be getting under way with the ceremony, and it will last probably 35 minutes or so. i believe there is a national order to have all the flags at half staff as well. >> i need to call for some public comment. is there any public comment at this time on this particular item? seeing none, i want to move on. basically, i would like to recommend, and i am planning on rescheduling item four, the summary of the after action reports, and item five, project cornerstone wireless broadband public safety initiatives until our next disaster council meeting. date and location to be
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announced. at that moment, at this time, i need to open it up to general public comment. seeing none, we are going to go ahead and i churn. thank you all very much for coming and for your patience today. -- seeing none, we are going to go ahead and add churn. thank you all for coming today and for your patience today.
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president chiu: good afternoon.
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welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting for this tuesday, september 21, 2010. madam clerk, would you please read the roll? clerk calvillo: [reading roll] mr. president, there is a quorum. president chiu: thank you. colleagues, it could we excuse supervisor votavalos? without objection, he is excused. ladies and gentlemen, would you join me in the pledge of allegiance?
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ladies and gentlemen, before we proceed to the rest of our business, it gives me great honor to officially introduce and welcome one visitor from one of our sister cities, in the ivory coast. this city is san francisco is only african sister city, which is a relationship that began in 1985 by mayor feinstein. there is the largest city in the french speaking of west africa with a population of 4 million individuals, and we are honored to welcome today in the mayor of one area. [applause] welcome, mr. mayor.
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we hope you have a wonderful visit here in san francisco. with that, madam clerk, do we have any? clerk calvillo: no, we do not. president chiu: and we have something in case mayor newsom wants to appear before the board. thank you. if we can move to our consent agenda, -- clerk calvillo: these items of the consent calendar will be acted upon by a single roll call vote. president chiu: colleagues, would anyone like to sever any of these items? madam clerk, could you call the roll on these items? clerk calvillo: [reading roll]
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there are 10 ayes. president chiu: these items are passed and finally adopted. i ms 13. clerk calvillo: will property -- item 13. clerk calvillo: real property. supervisor daly: i appreciate the budget and finance effort to look at it closely, but i think i have had all of my questions answered, and i am planning to support it. president chiu: supervisor daly?
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supervisor daly: i just wanted to say that i will be voting against this item. it is not against the family. i do believe that there is a situation that has not been handled as well as it should be, so we will announce a protest vote over that situation. president chiu: colleagues, unless there is additional discussion, if we could have a roll-call vote? clerk calvillo: on item 13 -- [reading roll] there are 9 ayes, one no. president chiu: this resolution
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is adopted. next item, please. clerk calvillo: this is to establish an alcohol cost recovery fee. president chiu: i understand that supervisor alioto-pier wants to be recused. if we could come and take a roll-call vote, please? clerk calvillo: [roll call] there are 6 ayes and 3 noes. president chiu: this ordinance is finally passed. item 15?
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clerk calvillo: item 15 is an ordinance authorizing the department of public works to implement an alternative bid process for construction trade packages and for the renovation and construction for the georgia as mosconi convention center. president chiu: we will take a roll-call vote on this item. clerk calvillo: [roll call] there are 10 ayes. president chiu: this ordinance is passed on the first reading. item 16. clerk calvillo: item 16, the
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timing in standards for the comptroller to review and adjust the cigarette litter abatement fee. president chiu: colleagues, any discussion? we can take a roll call on this item. clerk calvillo: [roll call] there are 10 ayes/ president chiu: this item is passed. item 17. clerk calvillo: item 17, a management agreement for the harding park golf course. president chiu: colleagues, can
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we take this same house, call? this item is adopted. item 18. clerk calvillo: authorizing the department of public health to enter into contracts for out of county behavioral health services in the foster care system. president chiu: colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? it is passed. i 19. -- item 19. clerk calvillo: the planning code, rehabilitation and maintenance of transfer lots after the sale of transferral rights. president chiu: if we can proceed to item 20? clerk calvillo: mr. president, and 19th? -- item 19? president chiu: if we could
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continue that. clerk calvillo: ok. this is to eliminate the exemptions for grocery store and in box stores from the ban on the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies. president chiu: supervisor mar. supervisor mar: mr. president, colleagues, this will remove the exemption of grocery and big box stores. as i stated before, i wanted to thank my co-author supervisor bevan dufty but also supervisor maxwell, as well. cigarettes in pharmacies do not mix. pharmacies should promote healing and protect our health, not sell cigarettes, the number
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one cause of preventable death in the united states. some of you also may know that in the united states, it is the only place in gallaraga allows pharmacies to sell cigarettes, and with our promotion in the inner cities and our values, it really is a contradiction in most ways. smoking in cigarettes kill, and also secondhand smoke exposure as well has a detrimental impact to many of the residents in the city. there are some that allow pharmacies to continue to sell cigarettes. also, the contradiction of pharmacies and drug stores selling cigarettes and tobacco products is a clear conflict of interest. the purpose of the pharmacy even in their code of ethics is to prevent diseases and promote health. the selling of cigarettes, which causes 440,000 deaths per year which are preventable, and there is no safe level of exposure to
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cigarettes, as well, in the last point that i wanted to make, the number one cause of death in the united states is caused by cigarettes. tobacco is the only product that will use -- that when used will kill a least half of the users, and on average, smoking takes 10 years away from your life. my father could have lived years longer if he had not smoke, and i think this is a measure that strongly protect public health, and i urge you for your support. thank you. president chiu, i forgot to think many groups and individuals who heads spin years helping to fight this for public health, including someone from the department of public health, dr. katz, and i also want to think many of the
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community organizations, including one with the lgbt groups, which has provided education for me and many activists and health advocates. i also want to thank a researcher and the many public health advocates that are in the crowd today, so, colleagues, please support this ordinance for a public health. thank you. president chiu: thank you. any additional discussion? if we could take a roll-call vote on this item. clerk calvillo: [reading roll] there are 7 ayes and 3 noes. president chiu: this item is passed on the first reading. item 21. clerk calvillo: item 21, and the
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ability to except a gift to build two bocce courts at justin herman plaza. president chiu: madam clerk, could you call the roll? clerk calvillo: [roll call vote] there is 9 ayes and one no. president chiu: this resolution is adopted. colleagues, we had scheduled today at 4:00 p.m., special order, but as you have seen with the notice that has been
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provided, the project sponsor is actually rescinding the categorical resumption from the informant to review, so this is tabled by operation of law, which means we do not have to come back at 4:00 p.m., and this notice will be provided in front of the clerk's office, so with that, madam clerk, if we could go now to the roll call? clerk calvillo: roll call for introductions. president chiu? president chiu: thank you. party promoters. there have been too many public safety incidents around nightclubs. while we have some regulatory authority around nightclubs, we have had no oversight over the number of fly by night party promoters, whose activities and events have, unfortunately, led to unavoidable tragedy.
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over the past year, 80% of the entertainment permits that have been suspended as a result of public safety incidences as well as 80% of the permits that have seen additional security requirements imposed on them by the city imposed after incidents involve those at party promoters have thrown. -- involve those that party promoters have thrown. clubs would only be able to work with those party promoters who have registered. since the vast majority -- at this time, i am not going to propose additional initial requirements from online legislation. however, if there is an event where there has been an actual or a significant injury, property damage, safety problems, or native of disturbances, the entertainment commission vote -- or neighborhood disturbances, the entertainer commission could put more restrictions on that party
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promoter, including additional security and background checks. the intent of my legislation is to have as minimal impact as possible on a good party promoters while ensuring that the city regulates party promoters that have issues. at the end of the day, we all share the goal of one to have a city of san francisco, a city of wonderfully vibrant healthy and safe and nightlife. i want to thank the representatives from the entertainment industry, the entertainment commission, and the san francisco police department and others for their feedback on my proposal legislation as well as for supervisor maxwell's cosponsoring this, and i want to think supervisor maxwell for her work in this area in years past -- i want to thank her. there are a number of issues related to